




发表于: 2017-10-17 15:08  点击:
姓名: 曾晓献
职称: 教授
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
所在学科专业: 地震学
所研究方向: 地震数据的处理和解释
教育经历: 1991.09—1997.12 美国得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 博士研究生
1981.09—1985.07 北京大学地球物理学专业 本科
工作经历: 2009.10— 吉林大学仪器科学与电气工程学院 教师
1998.03—2009.08 美国得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 副研
1985.09—1991.07 中国科学院地球物理研究所 研实、助研
科研项目: 基于弱连接切割法的三维地震数据层面自动识别方法研究



学术论文: [1]james r. garrison, jr., joshua williams, sara p. miller, egon t. weber ii, george mcmechan and xiaoxian zeng, 2010; ground-penetrating radar investigations of the internal architecture of washover channel-fill deposits, north padre island, texas: implications for the identification of ancient washover channels: journal of sedimentology research, 80, 303-319
[2]xiaoxian zeng and george a. mcmechan, 2006; ;two methods for determining geophone rotations for vsp data,;: geophysics 71, v87-v97
[3]zeng, x., mcmechan, g.a., bhattacharya, j.p., aiken, c.l.v., xu, x., hammon iii, w.s., and corbeanu, r. m., 2004; 3-d imaging of a reservoir analog in point bar deposits in the ferron sandstone, utah, using ground-penetrating radar: geophysical prospecting, 52, 151-163
[4]xiaoxian zeng and george a. mcmechan, 2002; load balancing across a highly heterogeneous processor cluster using file status probes :computers and geosciences, 28, 911-918.
[5]hammon iii, w. s., zeng, x., corbeanu, r. m., and mcmechan, g. a., 2002; estimation of the spatial variability of fluid permeability from surface and borehole gpr data and cores, with a 2-d example from the ferron sandstone, utah: geophysics, 67, 1505-1515.
[6]corbeanu, r.m., wizevich, m.c., bhattacharya, j.p., zeng, x., and mcmechan, g.a., 2005, three-dimensional architecture of ancient lower delta-plain point bars using ground penetrating-radar, cretaceous ferron sandstone, utah, aapg studies in geology 50, t. c. chidsey, jr., r. d. adams, and t. h. morris, editors, 428-449.
[7]mcmechan, g.a., loucks, r.g., mescher, p., zeng., x., 2002; characterization of a coalesced, collapsed paleocave reservoir analog using gpr and well-core data: geophysics 67, 1148-1158.
[8]hammon iii, w. s., mcmechan, g. a., zeng, x., 2000; forensic gpr: finite difference simulation of responses from buried human remains: journal of applied geophysics, 45, 171-186.
[9]zeng, x., mcmechan, g. a., xu, t., 2000, synthesis of amplitude-versus-offset variations in ground-penetrating radar data: geophysics, 65,113-125.
[10]mcmechan, g. a., loucks, r. g., zeng, x., and mescher, p., 1998, ground penetrating radar imaging of a collapsed paleocave system in the ellenburger dolomite, central texas: journal of applied geophysics, 39 (1998) pp. 1-10.
[11]zeng, x., mcmechan, g. a., 1997, gpr characterization of buried tanks and pipes: geophysics, 62, 797-806.
[12]zeng, x., mcmechan, g. a., cai, j., and chen, h. w., 1995, comparison of ray and fourier methods for modeling monostatic ground-penetrating radar profiles: geophysics, 60, 1727-1734.
[13]熊绍柏.郑晔.尹周勋.曾晓献.全幼黎.孙克忠 丽江一攀枝花—者海地带二维地壳结构及其构造意义-地球物理学报1993(4)
[14]卢军,潘卫平,曾晓献 人工爆炸地震野外数据处理装置 地球物理学报1991(6)

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